With every realisation that heartily demolishes the foundation of deep rooted conditioning
Zillion moments within me arise...throbbing, pregnant globules of awareness
blissfully awakened from a deathly slumber.
Thus kindled and crackling like a magical candle
I burn brighter and brighter even as I melt away.
I grapple for words of gratitude through the thoughts that lie restful
And then as though freed of fetters
the grappling stops all of a sudden
And I remain rooted even as I float
In the weightless wonderment that I know now as mySelf.....
Is there a line between surrender and dissolution?
Or a boundary between gratitude and love sublime?
If there so is, it is inconceivable to me
Who stands as the boundless horizon
Each arm as though cradling
the sun in its rising and setting
Who like the forehead of a bride
Adorned with a streak of vermillion
Ever stands bathed in the orange sun beams of dusks and dawns
Whose consort is her very Self
Split as though in two for a myriad stories to unravel
Or to lay hidden in oyster shells on the bottomless ocean bed
As that and this
As here and there
As now and then
As is and was
As I and you....
As form and formless....
Manifest for a moment
Unmanifest and Timeless...
Wonderful transport to another Realm,that is All Inclusive- me, you and everyone else around in body and mind. What a glide! May Devaniya grow frm strength to strength taking art to all available