The cosmos whispers secrets
Of space eternal
Of existence Absolute, in a time bound world
Seemingly shattering that which is not.
Waves rise, fall, heave and break
Crashing against shores and boulders great
Into the vastness of an ocean dark
Seemingly asleep, yet forever awake.
A lamp flickers, the flame dies out
In the wake of a violent, merciless storm
An element eternal seemingly quelled
Burns on unmindful of being snuffed out.
Trampled upon for ages and eons
Her womb dug out, her bosom squashed
Seemingly worn and torn to the core
The earth yet revels in her every thorn.
Winds bellow over oceans, fires and lands
Unbridled though seemingly trapped to a tune
In the empty holes of a strip of wood
And the music plays on as the Lord wields His flute…