The golden lotus shone bright in the dark night. She squinted in surprise as through the haze It appeared massive and blinding bright. So massive, the universe looked small So bright, the sun seemed dull. And she, the very gold dust of that cosmic blossom Not knowing her priceless worth Reached out to touch it outside of herself. And as she did, the rippling, shimmering pond over which it loomed Drew her like a magnet ever so strong. In she dived flowing with the tide Not in search, yet as though having found The root of that magnificence in the saffron pond reflecting its light. It swallowed her, she harmoniously dissolved Then it ejected her, and in shock she spluttered Swallowing mouthfuls of the water of that pond. Confused and shaken by the jolt so hard In the deep she swam now purposefully looking for the root, as again and again the pond played it’s part
At times still, then magical, now clear, then dark....
In swirls she swam until tired to the bone
She stopped kicking her feet and working her arms, infact, barely able to breathe at all
Floating around that illusive root in the murky waters of that treacherous pond.
And there lying still, her eyes opened, she took a deep breath, no water went in.
Her fingers seemed wrapped around something
As she turned to take a look
There it was, in and through her fingers and her hair, in her heart and through her mouth, in her nostrils and her lungs
The root that withstood the devious pond
Breathing her into itself.
Rising into the golden blossom
her eyes peered out for a final glance
Of the pond in which she found her source
Her mortal presence no longer mattered
As she merged....dust of gold into that golden cosmic blossom eternal.....
So deep and evocative Jigyasa - the capriciousness with which she jumps into the world and then at the end discovers herself and finds peace- merges with the eternal! Beautiful and thought provoking. I can see this a choreography in itself , converted into verse .
The term 'women' has been beautifully articulated and expressed very beautifully in this poetic version. i read and enjoyed it.🖒💖💖🌷⚘⚘🌹⚘🌹👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Respected Jigyasa ji there is a poet in you who is coming up as your thought and lingering into the ocean with the poetic ripples..Just enjoyed and imagined while reading this..💖💖🖒🌷🌷⚘⚘👏👏
Maam , very beautifully expressed.. loved reading it ...
So beautiful ma'am!!✨