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Dialogue...monologue.... i to I

Jigyasa Giri

Why the heart wrenching sobs dear one?

The eerie howl of mourning from your womb?

What is it that you seem to have gained and lost?

What is it that you seek to find?

I dont know....i dont know....

Just let it be as i have let it be

I question it no more....just let me be 

In time perhaps i shall simply just drop

And then you oh saakshi can rest in peace.

But I am the peace already...have always been. I have no woes nor fight with you!

Through you I am for a while split in form

A body and mind inside of my-SELF.

Come .... rest in me my sarathy

I see the fatigue in your face and limbs. 

Relax a while...let ME ride this chariot

And then together with joyous celebration we together can let you go if you like....

Where will i drop out...into what, dearest?

I am afraid to let go although i know

There is no me but an apparition of you

And if i am you, oh 'I'

Where will i drop out? An abyss outside of you?

Look at yourself....laugh at yourself!

If there IS only ME and all from me, of me, AND in me,

What outside do you speak of lovely fool?

You search for me - 'a you', 'an other' inside of you - to make dialogue or monologue with.

And thus I stand just for today as 'an other' - only so to speak with you

To help you see for I know your need to externalise.

Do you see that you are an externalized ME? A living apparition? Who IS and yet IS NOT?

Now let us name all of the forms and apparitions of creation - Maya.

Thus you, oh 'i', are Maya too.

Apparently arisen from me and in me 

So I can see me through this apparentness which is you.

Function for me (who in truth is you)

ONLY function....don't entangle.

I am tired....may i sleep a while sweet sakhi - sakha

Here...please take over...these reigns are yours me slip away....

Ohhh! Yet how habituated to me i am

The backseat driving is my new game.

These dots you see below, they represent ME, the SILENCE in which you exist. Perceive through me - the meaning of YOU, THE SELF eternal. Listen. BE.


Zgrtzfzffvxncg - aaah this Zgrtzfzffvxncg! Such a cacophony!!!!! ..............

Lsgegegcfzb - oh this disturbance!!

...................... Cwhxnbc - never mind this Cwhxnbc

................................... Vrvzjx - oh Vrvzjx ! I didn't notice you :-)

............................................................ (-: ..............Nrdxhsiwhrucag................ :-)


Drop out?


Good! Now revel in ME…pure self.


1 Comment

Pratibha Jain
Pratibha Jain
Nov 05, 2020

Such a powerful wave of words....finding the self through sakha sakhi, sarathy, maya...truly lovely.

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