Have you ever walked a countless miles
Tired to the bone without stopping a while
And finally arrived at the step of your home
To learn that you have not a key to the door?
Have you dug a tunnel through boulders for years
In the knowledge of standing on soft morning grass
And finally broken through the last of the stones
Only to find a dark forest of thorns?
Have you battled rough seas or floated on still waters
Torn yet aimless with no sight of a shore?
And then through a mist of memories bygone
Have you spotted a wondrous island beyond?
And coming alive rowed like never before
With an urgency to stretch on cool sands under trees
Only to find the island submerged?
Oh yes! I have all of these done
Oh yes! I have cried, shattered and stung.
But a faceless form, it urges me on
And I keep alive the call of my core
To walk, to dig, to row some more
For what I must have before I am gone...
The key to my home
The soft grass to stand on
The stretch on cool sands on that island beyond.
Beautifully expressed the pathos the urgency and persistence but the key to my home will only be found yonder beyond when I am gone