Look up to me not as a star
That will guide you with its haloed light,
For then I fear, I may drop sometime
And darken the image imprinted in your sight.
Hold me close to your heart instead
And sprinkle your love light on my soul
Together let us soar through galaxies of fate
And shatter the illusion of existential space.
Bow not to me in reverence
Of that which you may see in me
For then I fear, I may step on your faith
When treading paths unthinkable to your heart.
Hold my hand in yours instead
And walk beside me, no matter what
Together let us journey through lands unseen
And discover new strengths at each hurdle we cross.
Judge me not, for better or for worse
Love me for love’s sake, no more and no less.
For I am, as much as you are
A sapling of His boundless love
In the timeless maze of an unknown path.